Flexible Peak Shaving Technology for Coal-Fired Boilers Based on Intelligent Control
目的 随着对火电机组灵活调峰的需求骤增及信息技术的飞速发展,火电企业正由传统运行及管理模式,向更加清洁、高效、可靠的数字化及智能化方向发展,如何提高燃煤机组灵活调峰过程中的智能化、精准化及可靠性,已成为行业内人员所关注的重点问题。 方法 文章针对深度调峰的背景需求,对燃煤锅炉灵活调峰中的典型问题进行总结,分析了应用于锅炉的控制理论整体发展状况。基于此,分别从锅炉燃烧性能优化控制、宽负荷脱硝精准控制、锅炉运行能效控制、主辅机设备监测及诊断等4个方面对基于智能控制的燃煤锅炉灵活调峰算法模型及应用进行了综合分析。 结果 在此基础上,详细探讨了智能控制理论及模型在燃煤锅炉灵活调峰中的研究进展及应用效果。 结论 目前,基于燃煤锅炉灵活调峰过程中的常见问题,需要在燃烧组织方式稳燃能力深度提升的基础上,提高基础数据获取准确性,促进数据及知识的互补融合,加强多目标优化控制及DCS控制系统优化等,同时兼顾调峰经济性与机组寿命之间的辩证优化关系,从而为提高燃煤锅炉灵活调峰能力提供智能化及精准化解决方案。 Abstract:Introduction With the increasing demand for flexible peak shaving of thermal power units and the rapid development of information technology, thermal power enterprises are shifting from the traditional operation and management mode toward a cleaner, more efficient, reliable digital and intelligent mode. How to improve the intelligence, precision and reliability of coal-fired units in the flexible peak-shaving process has become a key issue of concern to those in the industry. Method Aiming at the deep peak shaving demand of the power system, this paper summarized the typical problems in the process of flexible peak shaving and analyzed the overall development of control theory applied to boilers in coal-fired units. Based on this, this paper conducted a comprehensive analysis of coal-fired boiler flexible peak shaving algorithm models and their applications based on intelligent control from four aspects: optimization control of boiler combustion performance, precise control of wide-load denitration, boiler operational energy efficiency control, and monitoring and diagnosis of main and auxiliary machinery equipment. Result On this basis, the research progress and application effects of intelligent control theory and models in the flexible peak shaving of coal-fired boilers are discussed in detail. Conclusion At present, based on the common problems in the flexible peak-shaving process of coal-fired boilers, it is necessary to improve the accuracy of basic data acquisition, promote the complementary integration of data and knowledge, and strengthen multi-objective optimization control and DCS control system optimization on the basis of the stable combustion ability improvement of the combustion organization method. At the same time, it is important to consider the dialectical optimization relationship between peak shaving economy and unit life, thereby providing intelligent and precise solutions to improve the flexible peak shaving capabilities of coal-fired boilers. -
图 9 EC-ELM模型结构图[51]
Fig. 9 Diagram of EC-ELM mode
图 10 模型预测结果对比[51]
Fig. 10 Comparison of model prediction results
图 12 泵模糊PID控制系统结构图[59]
Fig. 12 Structure block diagram of pump fuzzy PID control system
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