Design and Application of Multi-energy Joint Operation Control System
[目的] 由于风电、光伏、小水电、煤层气发电等多种间歇性能源具备波动性、随机性等特点,大规模接入电网后将给电网的安全稳定运行及控制带来很大的影响,而传统的电网运行控制系统不能完全适应对大规模间歇性能源的运行控制,因此需要开展含间歇性能源控制系统的研究,以实现对间歇性能源的运行控制。 [方法] 针对间歇性能源的特点,设计了多种能源联合运行控制系统的系统架构、关键应用技术,为间歇性能源的运行控制提供技术系统的支撑。 [结果] 所设计的多种能源联合运行控制系统实现了间歇性能源参与电网的运行控制,提高了系统应对间歇性能源波动的能力。 [结论] 系统已在贵州电网获得落地应用,验证了其对间歇性能源运行控制的可行性。 Abstract:[Introduction] Base on the wind power, photovoltaic, small hydropower, coal-bed methane power generation and other intermittent energy with volatility and randomness, large-scale intermittent energy will bring great influence on the power grid′s safe and stable operation and control after connected to the power grid, and the traditional power grid operation control system can′t completely adapt to the operation control for large-scale intermittent power. In order to realize the operation control of the intermittent energy, it is necessary to study the intermittent energy control system. [Method] In the paper, designed the system architecture, key application technology of multi-energy joint operation control system base on the characteristics of intermittent power, provided technology support for the control of the intermittent power. [Result] Multi-energy joint operation control system has realized the intermittent power to participate in power grid operation control, and improved the ability to deal with the intermittent power fluctuation. [Conclusion] The system has been applied in Guizhou power grid, and has been proved the feasibility of control of the intermittent power. -
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