温室气体排放是人为驱动全球气候变化的主要原因[1]。随着碳中和和碳达峰目标的持续推进,可再生能源将在减少排放、同时保持经济的发展速度和规模方面发挥重要作用。与所有可再生能源生产一样,风能是一种可持续资源,其碳足迹远低于燃烧化石燃料,是一种重要的可再生能源[2]。近年来,我国的风电场数量迅速增加。政府的目标是到2030年10%的能源来自可再生能源,其中7%~8%将来自风能。据估计,到2030年底,广东省将建成投产海上风电装机容量约30 GW以实现这一目标。海上风力发电可以为我国应对全球气候变化、实现碳中和做出积极贡献。然而,风力涡轮机对周边环境,尤其是鸟类存在潜在影响。这些潜在影响包括直接与涡轮叶片碰撞而造成的死亡、或间接栖息地丧失造成的迁移、屏障效应等[3]。除此之外,风电也是我国发展最快的能源行业之一,我国2020年电力行业新增装机容量为190.87 GW,其中风电新增装机容量达71.67 GW,占2020年电力行业新增装机容量的37.5%,仅广东一省开工建设海上风电装机容量就超过12 GW。相对于大规模的海上风能开发,对海上风电场对鸟类的影响研究并不多。本文将从海上风电场对鸟类影响的来源、结果和如何有效预防等三个角度进行综述,为我国发展海上风电的同时,在风电场的设计、建设和运营阶段完成对鸟类的保护工作,以避免对脆弱的鸟类生态系统造成破坏。
Impact and Harm Mitigation of Offshore Wind Farms on Birds
目的 风能作为公认的最成熟的可再生能源技术之一,近年来发展迅速。中国在近年开发了大量的海上风电项目。但风电场对环境,尤其是对鸟类的影响引发了人们大量的担忧和研究。在碳达峰实现之前,我国的海上风能产业将持续增长,需要全面了解风电场对鸟类的影响。 方法 通过总结现有研究,对海上风电场引起的鸟类问题进行了综述,并讨论了可将对鸟类不利环境影响降至最低的预防和缓解措施。 结果 研究表明:危害鸟类生存的风电问题主要有风力涡轮机叶片撞击和风机运行噪音两方面的原因,尚无明确的证据表明鸟类会受到电磁场的影响。风电场的运行可能造成鸟类栖息地的变迁、繁殖和交流的受阻以及种群结构的改变等。人们可以通过风电场选址、风电场形态及风机叶片和桩机结构设计、遥感与视频监控等方式减少风电场对鸟类的不利影响。 结论 对风电场鸟类开展更加深入的研究,将有利于我们掌握海上风电场开发建设及运营相关的鸟类生态学基本规律,形成降低生态环境负面影响的科学决策。 Abstract:Introduction Wind energy, widely recognized as one of the most mature renewable energy technologies, has developed rapidly in recent years. Over the past years, China has developed a large number of offshore wind power projects. However, the impact of wind farms on the environment, especially on birds, has caused a lot of concern and research. Before reaching the CO2 emission peak, the offshore wind energy industry will continue to grow in China. Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand the impact of wind farms on birds. Method Based on the summary of the existing research, this paper reviewed problems concerning birds caused by offshore wind farms, and discussed the prevention and mitigation measures that can minimize the adverse environmental impacts on birds. Result The results showed that wind farms have harmed the survival of birds mainly by wind turbine blade striking and wind turbine operation noises. There is no clear evidence so far that birds are affected by electromagnetic fields. The operation of wind farms may cause changes of birds' habitats, hindering of birds' reproduction and communication, and changes in population structure. People can reduce the adverse effects of wind farms on birds by means of wind farm site selection, wind farm reshape, wind turbine blade and pile crane structure design, remote sensing and video surveillance, etc. Conclusion By conducting profounder research on birds in wind farms, it is beneficial for us to master basic laws of bird ecology relevant to the development, construction and operation of offshore wind farms and make scientific strategies that can reduce adverse effects on ecological environment. -
Key words:
- environmental impacts /
- offshore wind farms /
- birds /
- renewable energy /
- ecological effects
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