$$ \frac{{x}_{{\rm{p}}}\left(s\right)}{{x}_{{\rm{sz}}}\left(s\right)}=\frac{1}{1+{T}_{0}s} $$ 式中:
T0——容积时间常数,通常取T0为0.1~0.3 s,汽轮机蒸汽容积模型可按图4模型表示。
Operation Control and Simulation of Supercritical Reheat Back Pressure Turbine
目的 为满足我国工业飞速发展对热负荷的高参数、高品质的需求,充分利用超临界大容量机组效率高、背压式汽轮机发电机组的热能利用率高的优势,需要研制超临界再热型背压机并控制其运行。 方法 文章针对超临界背压机组,在对其热力系统形式和运行模式进行研究的基础上,提出了机组不同运行工况下的控制策略。建立了超临界再热型背压机汽轮机侧的仿真模型。 结果 通过对机组的关键控制策略进行仿真,验证了控制策略的正确性。 结论 为超临界再热型背压机技术的工程示范奠定技术基础,为现役抽凝机组的供热改造提供了借鉴。 Abstract:Introduction In order to meet the needs of the rapid development of China's industry for high parameters and high-quality heat load, make full use of the advantages of the high efficiency of supercritical large-capacity units and the high thermal energy utilization rate of back pressure turbine generator units, it is necessary to develop and control the operation of supercritical reheat back pressure units. Method In this paper, on the basis of the research on the form and operation mode of the thermal system of the supercritical back pressure units, the control strategy under different operation conditions of the unit was proposed, and the simulation model of the turbine side of the supercritical reheat back pressure unit was established. Result The correctness of the control strategy is verified by the simulation of the key control strategy of the unit. Conclusion It lays a technical foundation for the engineering demonstration of supercritical reheat back pressure turbine technology and provides a reference for the heat supply transformation of the existing extraction-condensing units. -
Key words:
- supercritical /
- reheat turbine /
- back pressure turbine /
- thermal system /
- control strategy /
- simulation
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