我国向世界庄严承诺了到2030年的温室气体减排目标,国家把积极发展新能源作为能源战略的重要方向。截止2018年底,中国海上风电累计并网容量达到3.58 GW,已核准项目容量达到17.10 GW,在建项目达到6 GW,海上风电产业链也逐步建设和发展起来。
根据广东省海上风电发展规划修编成果,到2020年底前全省开工建设海上风电装机容量12 GW以上,总投资约2 000亿元,将建成投产2 GW以上。到2030年底将建成30 GW,占2020年到2030省内新增发电装机规模的1/3以上。海上风电产业成为广东省国际竞争力强的优势产业之一。
Design of Smart Offshore Wind Farm Integration Monitoring System
[目的] 针对海上风电场的运行管理情况,整合了海上风电机组、海上升压站、陆上集控中心的监控系统,提出了全面的智慧型海上风电场一体化监控系统方案。 [方法] 方案分析了其体系架构、功能要求、数据处理以及安全分区,以实现风电场海上升压站无人值守,陆上集控中心少人运行的运营模式。方案有效地整合了风机监控、升压站监控、视频及环境监控、风电功率预测、海缆故障监测、设备状态监测等多个子系统。 [结果] 对海上风电场内各主要电气设备提供了完善的监控功能,可实现运行监视、操作与控制、信息综合分析与智能告警、运行管理、辅助功能这五大应用。 [结论] 方案可有效降低风电场运营成本,达到技术先进、功能完备、性能可靠、经济合理的智能化运营要求。 Abstract:[Introduction] According to the actual operation of offshore wind farms, this paper has been integrate the monitoring systems of offshore wind, offshore substation, and onshore centralized control center. This paper proposes the smart offshore wind farm integration monitoring system. [Method] This article analyzed the system architecture, functional requirements, data processing, and security partitioning. In this way, the operation mode in which the offshore substation for a wind farm offshore wind farm was unattended and a land-based centralized control center was operated by few people can be achieved. The system showed that the several subsystems such as wind monitoring, offshore substation monitoring, video and environmental monitoring, wind power forecasting, cable fault monitoring, and equipment condition monitoring systems had been effectively integrated. [Result] It can provide complete monitoring functions for major electrical equipment, which can realize operational monitoring, operation and control, comprehensive information analysis and intelligent alarms, operation management, and assistance for these five applications. [Conclusion] Therefore, it can reduce the operating costs of wind farms and achieve the goals of advanced technology, complete function, reliable performance and economical rationality. -
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