Suggestions on Building a Natural Gas Trading Market in Guangdong
目的 广东省是天然气消费大省,但是天然气进口依存度高、缺乏定价话语权,天然气利用价格长期处于高位,亟需建立广东天然气交易市场,形成有国际影响力的基准定价枢纽,以保障天然气供应安全、降低天然气利用成本。 方法 研究欧洲和美国天然气市场化改革的过程,总结其经验要点,得出对广东天然气市场的启示;分析广东天然气市场结构、基础设施和市场化改革的现状;构建适合广东实际情况的天然气市场框架、提出推动天然气市场建设的重点任务。 结果 研究表明:广东省天然气需求旺盛、供应多元、基础设施完备、市场化基础良好、金融市场完善,具备建设区域虚拟交易枢纽的基础条件,可参考英国NBP和荷兰TTF模式,构建天然气交易枢纽和交易所协同发展的天然气交易市场体系。天然气交易枢纽方面重点推进天然气运输服务和销售业务分离、建立干线管网统一调度机制、建立管容分配和托运商制度、建立基于热值的计量制度、搭建基础设施信息公开和管容交易系统等任务。天然气交易所方面重点制定市场交易和运营规则、搭建交易信息系统、推动天然气期现对接和期货品种等。 结论 所提方案符合广东实际、具备可操作性,可有效指导广东天然气交易市场建设。 Abstract:Purpose Guangdong Province is a major consumer of natural gas. Since it is highly dependent on natural gas imports and lacks the right to speak in pricing, the natural gas utilization price has been high for a long time. There is an urgent need to establish a natural gas trading market in Guangdong and develop a benchmark pricing hub with international influence so as to secure the natural gas supply and reduce the natural gas utilization costs. Method Studied the process of natural gas market-oriented reform in Europe and the United States, summarized their experiences, and drew inspiration for the Guangdong natural gas market; analyzed the current natural gas market structure, infrastructure and market-oriented reform in Guangdong; built a natural gas market framework suitable for the actual situation of Guangdong, and proposed the key tasks to promote the construction of a natural gas market. Result The research shows that Guangdong Province has a strong demand for natural gas, diversified supply, complete infrastructure, good marketization foundation, and perfect financial market. It has the basic conditions for building a regional virtual trading hub. A natural gas trading market system with coordinated development of natural gas trading hubs and exchanges can be established by referring to the British NBP and Dutch TTF models. The natural gas trading hub focuses on key tasks of promoting the separation of natural gas transportation services and sales operations, creating a unified scheduling mechanism for the trunk pipeline network, constructing a pipe capacity allocation and shipper system, establishing a calorific value-based measurement system, and building infrastructure information disclosure and pipe capacity trading systems. The natural gas exchange focuses on formulating market trading and operating rules, building a trading information system, and promoting the connection between natural gas spot trading and futures trading as well as the futures varieties. Conclusion The proposed scheme conforms to the actual situation of Guangdong and is operable, which can effectively guide the construction of a natural gas trading market in Guangdong. -
Key words:
- natural gas /
- trading market /
- trading hub /
- exchange /
- Guangdong /
- market-oriented reform
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