文章采用导管架基础灌浆连接段的缩尺试件开展轴向静力加载试验,其中无安装误差的标准试件编号为A-1,具体尺寸如图2所示。灌浆连接段试件的套管外壁直径为245 mm,桩管外壁直径为325 mm,两者管壁厚均为8 mm,中间连接段灌浆段长度为625 mm,并含有5对剪力键,剪力键间距为100 mm。
表 1 缩尺试件具体参数及分组
Table 1. Specific parameters and grouping of reduced-scale test pieces
试件编号 套管 桩管 灌浆段 剪力键 安装误差 外径DJL/mm 厚度tJL/mm 长度LJL/mm 外径Dp/mm 厚度tp/mm 长度Lp/mm 长度Lg/mm 厚度tg/mm 间距s/mm 高度h/mm 数量n A-1 245 8 825 325 8 825 625 32 100 6 5 - D1A-2 245 8 825 325 8 825 625 32 100 6 5 v/s=0.25 D3A-2 245 8 825 325 8 825 625 32 100 6 5 e/tg=0.375 -
对本试验中所用钢材开展材性试验,可得钢材的弹性模量为2.09×105 MPa,屈服强度为301.7 MPa,极限抗拉强度为474.5 MPa;对所用灌浆料进行材性试验,可得灌浆料的弹性模量为4.36×104 MPa,圆柱体抗压强度为78.3 MPa,同时根据欧洲混凝土规范CEB-FIP-2010[16],可进一步计算得到灌浆料的断裂能为0.175 3 N/mm。
该轴向静力加载试验在上海市建筑科学研究院结构试验室开展,加载装置包括加载头、球铰、荷载传感器以及钢制底座等,如图4所示,位移计分布以及测量内容如图5所示。试验中所采用的最大轴向荷载Pmax=696.75 kN,且加载过程采用分级加载,即将最大荷载平均分为5级依次加载,且每次需等待上一级荷载稳定后,再开始下一级荷载的加载。
以灌浆连接段试件顶板与底板的位移差值作为套管与钢管的相对位移量,并将试件D1A-2、D3A-2的轴向荷载-相对位移曲线与试件A-1进行对比,如图7所示,3个试件在轴向静力加载过程中始终处于弹性阶段,荷载与位移呈线性比例增大。然而,含有纵向安装误差(v/s=0.25)的试件D1A-2较标准试件A-1的轴向刚度有所增大,即在最大试验荷载Pmax=696.75 kN下,试件D1A-2的位移为0.263 mm,试件A-1的位移为0.336 mm,v/s=0.25的纵向安装误差下灌浆连接段的轴向刚度增大约28%;而含有横向安装误差(e/tg=0.375)的试件D3A-2较标准试件A-1的轴向刚度也有所增大,即在最大试验荷载Pmax=696.75 kN下,试件D3A-2的位移为0.273 mm,试件A-1的位移为0.336 mm,e/tg=0.375的横向安装误差下灌浆连接段的轴向刚度增大约23%。
图 7 误差试件与标准试件的荷载-位移曲线对比
Figure 7. Comparison of load-displacement curves between error test pieces and standard test pieces
图 8 试件D1A-2与试件A-1的管壁纵向应变分布对比
Figure 8. Comparison of longitudinal strain distribution on pipe wall between test piece D1a-2 and test piece A-1
Research on Axial Mechanical Properties of the Grouted Connection Section Considering Installation Errors
目的 随着海上风机工程逐渐向深远海区域发展,海上恶劣的施工环境极有可能导致导管架基础灌浆连接的安装产生误差进而影响连接的轴向力学性能,故需要研究安装误差对于灌浆连接段轴向力学性能的影响规律。 方法 首先开展灌浆连接段缩尺试件的轴向静力加载试验,随后采用有限元分析方法来模拟对应试件的轴向加载过程,其模拟结果与试验数据显示出较好的拟合性。 结果 研究结果表明:纵向、横向安装误差的增大会导致灌浆连接段轴向刚度的增大,并会进一步改变套管和桩管的纵向应变分布;另外,安装误差的增大也会引起轴向加载过程中灌浆料内第三主应力最大值的增大和其分布位置的变化。 结论 综上所述,安装误差对导管架基础灌浆连接段轴向力学性能的影响可能导致灌浆连接段破坏模式的改变,故需根据安装误差的影响规律来对其危害予以充分的考虑与评估。 Abstract:Introduction With the development of offshore wind turbine works to deep sea areas, the challenging construction environment tends to result in errors in the installation of the grouted connection for the jacket foundation. These errors can subsequently affect the axial mechanical properties of the grouted connection. Therefore, it is necessary to study the impact laws of installation errors on the axial mechanical properties of the grouted connection section. Method The study was commenced by conducting axial static loading tests on reduced-scale test piece of the grouted connection section, which was followed by simulating the axial loading process of the corresponding test piece using the finite element analysis method. The simulation results were found to align well with the experimental data, indicating a successful outcome. Result According to the research findings, the increasing in longitudinal and transverse installation errors can lead to an increase in the axial stiffness of the grouted connection section. This, in turn, further alters the longitudinal strain distribution of the casing and pile pipe. Additionally, the increase in installation errors can lead to an increase in the maximum value of the third principal stress in the grouting materials during the axial loading process, as well as changes in its distribution location. Conclusion In conclusion, the influence of installation errors on the axial mechanical properties of the grouted connection section for the jacket foundation can cause alterations in failure modes of the grouted connection section. Therefore, it is needed to consider and evaluate the harm caused by the impact laws of installation errors based on their influence rules. -
表 1 缩尺试件具体参数及分组
Tab. 1. Specific parameters and grouping of reduced-scale test pieces
试件编号 套管 桩管 灌浆段 剪力键 安装误差 外径DJL/mm 厚度tJL/mm 长度LJL/mm 外径Dp/mm 厚度tp/mm 长度Lp/mm 长度Lg/mm 厚度tg/mm 间距s/mm 高度h/mm 数量n A-1 245 8 825 325 8 825 625 32 100 6 5 - D1A-2 245 8 825 325 8 825 625 32 100 6 5 v/s=0.25 D3A-2 245 8 825 325 8 825 625 32 100 6 5 e/tg=0.375 -
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