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ZHU Yongchang, ZHANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Zhenghong, YE Dong, TAN Juan, QIN Yong, LIU Zhaohui, XU Zhiqi. Thinking on the Meteorological Services to Ensure the Development of New Energy System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234
Citation: ZHU Yongchang, ZHANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Zhenghong, YE Dong, TAN Juan, QIN Yong, LIU Zhaohui, XU Zhiqi. Thinking on the Meteorological Services to Ensure the Development of New Energy System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234

Thinking on the Meteorological Services to Ensure the Development of New Energy System

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234
  • Received Date: 2024-07-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-08-16
  • Available Online: 2024-11-20
  •   Introduction  Clean and low carbon production is the core target of the new energy system, and the construction of the national new energy system is an important measure to realize the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. Meteorological factors and disasters have great impacts on the stable and safe operation of the power grid. It is necessary to build a high-quality meteorological service system according to the needs of the national new energy system construction.   Method  In this paper, literature and policy research and expert consultation methods were adopted. Based on the analysis of the relevant policie measures of the national new energy system, the future development direction of the energy meteorological service was studied, and the development proposals of the meteorological service system for the construction of the new energy system were put forward.   Result  The research shows that service departments at various levels of China Meteorological Administration have carried out energy meteorological services in wind power, solar power, hydropower, nuclear power, power grain operation, energy consumption and other aspects. The construction of the national new energy system puts forward new requirements for meteorological service, such as optimizing the overall layout of meteorological service support for the construction of clean energy bases, strengthening the accuracy of power generation forecast and climate prediction services, and carrying out meteorological service support for various scenarios such as the construction of new energy infrastructure, and power generation, storage, transmission, and consumption.   Conclusion  According to the requirements of the national new energy system construction, proposals are put forward from aspects such as optimizing the layout of meteorological services, improving service support capabilities, strengthening talent and cooperation mechanisms.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Thinking on the Meteorological Services to Ensure the Development of New Energy System

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234

Abstract:   Introduction  Clean and low carbon production is the core target of the new energy system, and the construction of the national new energy system is an important measure to realize the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. Meteorological factors and disasters have great impacts on the stable and safe operation of the power grid. It is necessary to build a high-quality meteorological service system according to the needs of the national new energy system construction.   Method  In this paper, literature and policy research and expert consultation methods were adopted. Based on the analysis of the relevant policie measures of the national new energy system, the future development direction of the energy meteorological service was studied, and the development proposals of the meteorological service system for the construction of the new energy system were put forward.   Result  The research shows that service departments at various levels of China Meteorological Administration have carried out energy meteorological services in wind power, solar power, hydropower, nuclear power, power grain operation, energy consumption and other aspects. The construction of the national new energy system puts forward new requirements for meteorological service, such as optimizing the overall layout of meteorological service support for the construction of clean energy bases, strengthening the accuracy of power generation forecast and climate prediction services, and carrying out meteorological service support for various scenarios such as the construction of new energy infrastructure, and power generation, storage, transmission, and consumption.   Conclusion  According to the requirements of the national new energy system construction, proposals are put forward from aspects such as optimizing the layout of meteorological services, improving service support capabilities, strengthening talent and cooperation mechanisms.

ZHU Yongchang, ZHANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Zhenghong, YE Dong, TAN Juan, QIN Yong, LIU Zhaohui, XU Zhiqi. Thinking on the Meteorological Services to Ensure the Development of New Energy System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234
Citation: ZHU Yongchang, ZHANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Zhenghong, YE Dong, TAN Juan, QIN Yong, LIU Zhaohui, XU Zhiqi. Thinking on the Meteorological Services to Ensure the Development of New Energy System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234
    • 中国是世界第一发电大国,同时也是世界第一清洁能源发电大国,清洁能源发电量占比高达26%[1]。清洁能源高比例并网是新型能源体系发展的重要特征,构建新型能源体系是确保“双碳”目标如期实现的重要举措[2-4]。新型能源体系对风、光、水等相关气候资源依赖性强,同时,天气状况的不确定性使得可再生能源供应随机、波动[5-7],气候变化导致的极端天气气候事件频发可导致电力供需失衡,影响电力安全保供[8]。国、省、市、县四级气象部门在风光资源普查评估、电站规划选址、发电量预测、电力输送、电力设施灾害防御等全链条气象服务中发挥着重要的服务保障作用。但当前,气象部门新能源气象业务服务与国家新型能源体系建设的需求尚有差距,需要进一步加强气象部门在国家新型能源体系建设中的服务保障作用,这对保障国家能源安全意义重大。

    • 新型电力系统是以新能源为主体的电力系统[9-12],是新型能源体系的重要组成部分[13]。从构建新型电力系统等角度来讲,新型能源体系未来发展方向包括能源基地建设、电网输电设施建设及调节性资源建设等[11-15]。气象服务保障对国家新型能源体系建设至关重要。新型能源体系是在确保能源电力安全的前提下,以风、光、水等新能源发电占主导地位的能源体系,易受气象因素影响。一方面,气象因素影响能源供需,风、光、水等气象因素是新能源电力系统的能量来源,且气温等气象要素变化会影响全社会对电能的需求[18-22];另一方面,气象灾害等因素会对电网运行造成不利影响。大风、阴雨、沙尘等气象过程及干旱等气象灾害会造成新能源发电量短期内剧烈波动导致供电可靠性下降[20],极端天气气候事件会通过损毁电力设施影响跨区域供电[24]。据统计,气象原因导致的故障占电网总故障数60%以上[23]。亟需根据国家新型能源体系建设要求布局能源气象服务发展,发挥气象服务保障作用。


    • 中国气象局高度重视新能源气象服务保障工作,建立了“主责明确、分工合理、协调发展”的新能源气象服务业务布局(表1)。开展中国气象局首个气象服务示范计划(Service Demonstration Program,SDP)——风能太阳能发电精细化气象服务示范计划,以“赛马制”等形式推进新能源气象服务发展。同时开展能源领域气象服务需求调查研究,召开能源气象服务需求对接会等,明确能源企业对气象服务保障需求,并印发能源气象服务行动计划。


      Table 1.  New energy meteorological service layout of China Meteorological Administration



      Table 2.  Development of energy meteorological services in business units at all levels of China Meteorological Administration





    • 建议紧跟国家新型能源体系建设要求,围绕各大清洁能源基地建设,优化能源气象服务保障业务服务布局,这主要应该包括下列工作:




    • 对照国家新型能源体系建设发展方向和布局,建议在现有“全链条”能源气象服务业务基础上,进一步精耕细作,深度融入能源企业运行,扩展业务服务场景。


    • 建议进一步强化科技创新、人才建设、合作机制等方面保障支撑,促进能源气象服务质量提升。


      2)以数据开放共享为抓手促进新能源气象服务发展。中国气象局再分析、实况及预报数据与国外数据相比具有更加精密的优势,特别是再分析数据方面,已构建了全球10 km×10 km,逐小时的,50~200 m逐10 m风的数据集。建议发挥气象部门大数据优势,构建数据服务平台,将气象部门再分析、实况及预报数据交易给新能源企业,将数据产品无缝隙融入企业调度系统,打破相关企业对国外再分析数据依赖的局面,提高数据自主性。同时发挥数据“磁石”作用,吸引能源企业与气象部门在新能源气象服务领域深化合作。


    • 能源是“双碳”战略主战场,新能源是绿色电力供应主力军[25-26],为新型能源体系建设提供科技支撑是气象部门发挥应对气候变化科技支撑作用的关键环节。针对国家新型能源体系建设,中国气象局各级业务单位在发电、输电及能源消纳等方面均较好开展了能源气象服务。


Reference (26)



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