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Volume 10 Issue 3
May  2023
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ZHU Junhui. Design of Gas Turbine Pressure Regulation Station Under the Condition of Mixed Hydrogen Gas[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 135-142. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.015
Citation: ZHU Junhui. Design of Gas Turbine Pressure Regulation Station Under the Condition of Mixed Hydrogen Gas[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 135-142. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.015

Design of Gas Turbine Pressure Regulation Station Under the Condition of Mixed Hydrogen Gas

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.015
  • Received Date: 2023-03-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-03-27
  • Available Online: 2023-04-14
  • Publish Date: 2023-05-10
  •   Introduction  With the development of "carbon peak and neutrality" goals, the application of photovoltaic and wind power for hydrogen gas production is becoming a hot and front direction. In the hydrogen gas industry, the gas turbine fired with mixed hydrogen gas is the final step to transfer hydrogen into electric power. The pressure regulation station, located between the pipeline network and gas turbine front module, is mainly to regulate the gas turbine fuel at the required temperature and pressure. With the use of mixed hydrogen gas as fuel for gas turbine, it is necessary to study the system configuration of pressure regulation station under new condition, which will provide a practicable solution for the future gas turbine fired with mixed hydrogen gas.   Method  The fuel quantity is given for the F class gas turbine fired with mixture of natural gas and hydrogen gas after the simulation calculation with GT Pro software. The recommended position of mixture tank is also given after consideration of the requirements on the temperature and pressure of F class gas turbine front module. And the material selection of pipe and diameter is presented and the relative items to be focused for the selection of valves is also presented.   Result  The recommended position of mixture tank is given under the condition of gas turbine fired with mixed hydrogen gas. And the material selection of pipe and diameter is presented and the relative items to be focused for the selection of valves is also presented.   Conclusion  For the gas turbine fire with mixed hydrogen gas, special attention shall be paid to the anti-corrosion and anti-explosion due to the big difference of physical properties between the methane (which is the main factor of nature gas) and hydrogen gas. The mixture tank arranged before the control valves of pressure regulation station will be conducive to providing the fuel at the required temperature and pressure for the gas turbine front module. The suitable dimension and material will be selected for the pipe and valves downstream the mixture tank based on the physical properties of mixed gas.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Design of Gas Turbine Pressure Regulation Station Under the Condition of Mixed Hydrogen Gas

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.015

Abstract:   Introduction  With the development of "carbon peak and neutrality" goals, the application of photovoltaic and wind power for hydrogen gas production is becoming a hot and front direction. In the hydrogen gas industry, the gas turbine fired with mixed hydrogen gas is the final step to transfer hydrogen into electric power. The pressure regulation station, located between the pipeline network and gas turbine front module, is mainly to regulate the gas turbine fuel at the required temperature and pressure. With the use of mixed hydrogen gas as fuel for gas turbine, it is necessary to study the system configuration of pressure regulation station under new condition, which will provide a practicable solution for the future gas turbine fired with mixed hydrogen gas.   Method  The fuel quantity is given for the F class gas turbine fired with mixture of natural gas and hydrogen gas after the simulation calculation with GT Pro software. The recommended position of mixture tank is also given after consideration of the requirements on the temperature and pressure of F class gas turbine front module. And the material selection of pipe and diameter is presented and the relative items to be focused for the selection of valves is also presented.   Result  The recommended position of mixture tank is given under the condition of gas turbine fired with mixed hydrogen gas. And the material selection of pipe and diameter is presented and the relative items to be focused for the selection of valves is also presented.   Conclusion  For the gas turbine fire with mixed hydrogen gas, special attention shall be paid to the anti-corrosion and anti-explosion due to the big difference of physical properties between the methane (which is the main factor of nature gas) and hydrogen gas. The mixture tank arranged before the control valves of pressure regulation station will be conducive to providing the fuel at the required temperature and pressure for the gas turbine front module. The suitable dimension and material will be selected for the pipe and valves downstream the mixture tank based on the physical properties of mixed gas.

ZHU Junhui. Design of Gas Turbine Pressure Regulation Station Under the Condition of Mixed Hydrogen Gas[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 135-142. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.015
Citation: ZHU Junhui. Design of Gas Turbine Pressure Regulation Station Under the Condition of Mixed Hydrogen Gas[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 10(3): 135-142. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2023.03.015
    • 我国政府已明确提出“力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前实现碳中和”[1]。广东省也于2022年印发了《关于完整准确全面贯彻新发展理念 推进碳达峰碳中和工作的实施意见》(下称《实施意见》),标志着广东“双碳”新征程全面开启,其中明确了:到2030年,非化石能源消费比重达到35%左右,非化石能源装机比重达到54%左右;2030年前实现碳达峰,达峰后碳排放稳中有降。到2060年,绿色低碳循环的经济体系和清洁低碳安全高效的能源体系全面建成;非化石能源消费比重达到80%以上;碳中和目标顺利实现。







      2020年3月10日,三菱日立电力系统公司表示已经从美国犹他州国有山间电力公司获得了首个燃氢燃料的先进燃气轮机订单。该机组旨在过渡到可再生氢燃料,从能够燃烧30%氢气和70%天然气混合燃料过渡到100%氢燃料[7]。2020年12月,上海电气燃气轮机有限公司在意大利的实验室开展了9F级重型燃气轮机燃烧器在全温、全压试验条件下,加入20%以内氢含量,可满足排放、回火及稳定性的要求[8]。2021年12月,国家电投集团荆门绿动能源有限公司在运燃气轮机成功实现15%掺氢燃烧改造和运行,这是我国首次在重型燃气轮机商业机组上实施掺氢燃烧改造试验和科研攻关[9]。2022年9月27日,国内首台纯氢燃气轮机示范项目(拟建设1套1.7 MW级纯氢燃气发电机组)获得通辽市能源局核准批复,标志着我国在纯氢燃气轮机国产化替代方面迈出了重要的一步[10]


    • 文献[11-12]介绍了目前H级燃气轮机的主机生产厂家情况,三菱、通用、西门子[13-14]和安萨尔[15]多均有相关产品。目前广东省内也有一部分H级燃机已投产或建设中。



    • 目前的燃气轮机的燃料,以天然气为主,也有一些机组采用轻油作为备用燃料。天然气的主要组成为甲烷,一般为98%体积含量以上。

      文献[16]介绍了国内首个电解制氢掺入天然气项目在辽宁朝阳落地,在掺氢比为10%条件下已实现安全运行1 a。


      根据国际能源署(International Energy Agency,IEA)的报告[17],其相关特性对比如表1所示。

      低位热值/[kJ·(kg)−1] 50047 120067 53625
      高位热值/[kJ·(kg)−1] 55533 141894 59946
      密度/(kg·m−3) 0.6558 0.08242 0.4838
      密度/[kg·(Nm−3] 0.6918 0.08694 0.5281
      低位体积热值/(kJ·m−3) 32820.8 9895.9 25945
      高位体积热值/(kJ·m−3) 36418.5 11694.9 29003
       注:上述热值按温度为25 ℃计算;密度是按25 ℃,1.013 bar的气体状态计算;标准状态是0 ℃,1.013 bar的气体状态。

      Table 1.  Fuel gas related properties



    • 文献[18-19]介绍了M701F4燃机前置模块对温度和压力的要求:(1)压力要求在2.8~4.6 MPa(g)范围内;(2)温度要求高于烃露点温度,避免气体中有液体析出;(3)固体颗粒应限制在3×10−5 ωt(基于燃料重量)以下,所有固体颗粒直径均不能超过5 μm。

    • 天然气管网为了配合向电厂供气,一般在调压站前设置有供气末站,根据广东省的天然气管网的情况,其供气末站出口压力为4.4~8.0 MPa(g),温度为常温。

    • 对于燃气轮机联合循环机组,由于存在夏季工况、性能保证工况、冬季工况和ISO工况,本次选取ISO工况参数。相关厂址参数如下:大气压力为1.013 bar,环境温度为15 ℃,环境湿度为60%。

      在广东省的燃机,多数机组由于没有靠近海、大河等冷却水源,以采用机力冷却塔的情况居多,也有一部分机组采用海水直流冷却。文章中凝汽器冷却选取机力冷却塔二次循环系统,冷却水进水温度选取为15 ℃。


      采用美国Thermal Flow公司的GT-Pro软件对燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组进行模拟。得出相关技术数据如表2所示。

      燃料量/(t·h−1) 66.57 28.46 62.65
      出力/MW 568.390 594.162 577.579
      净出力/MW 552.150 565.835 565.312
      效率/% 61.41 62.58 61.93
      净效率/% 59.66 59.60 60.57
      二氧化碳排放/[g·(kWh)−1] 321.3 0 282.2
      供电气耗/[Nm3·(kWh)−1] 0.1743 0.5785 0.2098
      供电气耗/[kg·(kWh)−1] 0.1206 0.0503 0.1108
      燃料体积流量/(m3·h−1) 101509 345304 129489

      Table 2.  Technical data of gas-steam combined cycle unit

      表2可以看出,相同型号的燃气轮机,在燃用混合气体后,与燃用甲烷相比,出力增加了4.62%,效率提升了0.52%,碳排放降低39.1 g/kWh(毛出力)和12.17%。也可以看出,每千瓦时电所耗纯氢体积是甲烷的3.32倍,每千瓦时所耗混合气体体积是甲烷的1.20倍。


    • 调压站由天然气子系统、氢气子系统、混合子系统组成,其中天然气子系统由以下几个功能段组成:进口单元、计量单元、过滤单元、换热单元和调压单元组成;氢气子系统包括了进口单元、计量单元、过滤单元和调压单元[20]


    • 文献[21]介绍了我国目前仅有掺氢天然气管道输送示范项目“朝阳可再生能源掺氢示范项目第一阶段工程”的掺氢体积比约为5%。掺混设备采用的电气式随动掺氢结构。天然气作为主气源,氢气作为随动气源。氢气进口压力为15 MPa(g),掺氢量按照3%~20%设计。






    • 文献[22]介绍合金材质中的C、Mn、P、S等元素会使管材的氢脆敏感性显著上升,且氢损伤现象与钢管强度存在直接联系,氢气管道的选材一般是钢级越低越好。目前欧洲氢气管道材料主要采用X42、X52、X56等低强度管线钢,美国主要采用X52~X80管线钢,ASME B31.12-2014中推荐采用X42,X52钢管。

      文献[23]介绍了海阳核电一期工程氢气系统室外输气管道采用ASME SA-312GR TP304L的不锈钢材质,总长约900 m,穿过道路下的管道外设有碳钢套管,套管两端用封板封堵。氢气管道及碳钢套管外表面按特加强级要求做环氧煤沥青涂层。也提出管道材质提升至TP316或TP317时,即可有效避免腐蚀。

      文献[24]介绍了金陵-扬子氢气管道全长超过32 km,设计压力4 MPa,管径为325 mm,钢管材质为20#石油裂化钢管;巴陵-长岭氢气提纯及输送管线工程最大管径457 mm,钢管材质为裂化碳素无缝钢管;济源-洛阳氢气管道实长约为25 km,管径为508 mm,设计压力4 MPa,钢管材质为L245无缝钢管,采用常温型三层PE外防腐层。

      鉴于氢气管道和掺氢管道在燃气轮机机组中用量不算太大,其中从调压站到达燃气轮机前置模块一般会超过100 m,但一般不会超过500 m,可能走埋地或走架空管廊,当管道采用不锈钢材质时,考虑到304、304L和316、316L费用差别不大,综合考虑费用、安全的因素,可以按316L来考虑,埋地时,再作防腐处理;过道路时,另加套管保护。

    • 燃气轮机考虑天然气掺氢气的情况下,由于本阶段氢气的供应没有同步可用,在目前的条件下,一般燃气轮机项目是按预留掺氢的情况来考虑。因此,天然气管道可按燃气轮机燃用100%天然气来选择管径。

      国家标准《油气管道运行规范》(GB/T 35068-2018)规定:天然气分输场站进站管线至分离器上游阀门间的工艺管气体流速不宜超过15 m/s,不应超过20 m/s;经调压之后压力低于2.5 MPa,出站处流速不应超过25 m/s[25]

    • 在《氢气站设计规范》(GB 50177-2005)的第12.0.1部分,给出氢气在不同材料管道和不同压力下的最大流速[26],如表3所示。


      Table 3.  Maximum velocity of hydrogen gas within pipe


      氢气管道最低工作压力/MPa 3.5
      氢气温度/K 288
      氢气的压缩系数 1.0212
      氢气工作条件下的冲蚀速度/(m·s−1) 71.9

      Table 4.  Hydrogen gas corrosion velocity

      $$ V_{\rm{e}}=\dfrac{7.843\;6}{\sqrt{P/ZT}} $$ (1)


      Ve ——氢气工作条件下的冲蚀速度(m/s);

      P ——氢气管道最低工作压力(MPa,绝压);

      T ——氢气温度(K);

      Z ——给定压力、温度条件下氢气的压缩系数。

      从标准上看出,对于不锈钢管道来说,管道设计压力超出3.0 MPa时,最大流速原则上应有所降低,文章按最大流速20 m/s来考虑,此时,流速也符合小于冲蚀速度的50%的要求。

    • 管道工作压力按3.5 MPa时,在不同燃料供应比例的情况下管径选择的对比如表5所示。

      燃料体积流量/(m3·h−1) 29002 98658
      混合气体体积流量/(m3·h−1) 36996 11099
      管道设计压力/MPa(g) >3.0 >3.0 >3.0 >3.0
      管道材质 碳钢 不锈钢 不锈钢 不锈钢
      管道最大流速/(m·s−1) 15 20 20 20
      最小管道内径/mm 830 1320 810 440
       注:管道工作压力按3.5 MPa计算燃料气体体积流量。

      Table 5.  Pipe diameter selection under different fuel gas supply portion

      表5可以看出,如果混合气体管径按810 mm选取,在完全使用天然气的时候,由于体积流量减少(从36996 m3/h减少到29002 m3/h),但管道材质已按混合气体选择了不锈钢,此时管道允许最大流速不变,管道流速可以满足最大流速要求的,无需加大管径。也就是说,按混合气体进行管径选择,是可以同时满足天然气和天然气掺氢气管道输送气体的要求。

    • 每台机组一般设置两条调压管路,一用一备。压力控制单元分支管路流程是由球阀、安全切断阀、工作调压器、监控调压器按照从上游至下游的顺序,串联在一起的安全、监控式调压系统。如果为2台机组,则调压管道可二用二备或二用一公共备用。正常工况下,工作调压器调节调压站出口压力,当工作调压器故障,监控调压器自动投入运行;如果监控调压器也发生故障,监控调压器为事故常关配置,该调压支管路关闭。

      在《氢气站设计规范》(GB 50177-2005)的第12.0.3部分,给出对氢气管道阀门材料的要求,如表6所示。

      <0.1 阀体采用铸钢;密封面采用合金钢或与阀体一致
      0.1~3.0 阀杆采用碳钢;阀体采用铸钢;密封面采用合金或与阀体一致
      >2.5 阀体、阀杆、密封面均采用不锈钢

      Table 6.  Material of valve on hydrogen gas pipe

      由于掺氢管道压力为3.5 MPa,掺氢管道上的阀门,其阀体、阀杆、密封面均采用不锈钢。

    • 调压系统中设置有安全装置,安全装置应保证在任何情况下都不允许压力超过限定值。系统中设置有运行超压的部分流量压力释放阀和事故时的全容量安全放散用压力释放阀。



    • 通过上述分析,得出结论如下:


      2)掺氢和纯氢气管道的材质,从调压站到达燃气轮机前置模块一般会不超过500 m,可能走埋地或走架空管廊,当管道采用不锈钢材质时,综合考虑费用、安全的因素,可以采用316 L。

      3)掺氢和纯氢气管道的最高流速,在管道采用不锈钢材质时,当压力高于3.0 MPa(g)的情况下,目前标准并未给出具体数值,文章推荐采用20 m/s,此时,该流速小于冲蚀流速的50%。但仍需进一步收集同类工程的实际应用情况,继续开展深入研究。


      5)由于掺氢管道压力为3.5 MPa,掺氢管道上的阀门,其阀体、阀杆、密封面均采用不锈钢。

Reference (26)



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