The viscous flow around the structure is governed by 3D, unsteady, incompressible RANS equations [23]:
$$ \dfrac{{\partial \left( {{u_i}} \right)}}{{\partial {x_i}}} = 0\; $$ (1) $$ \dfrac{{\partial \left( {\rho {u_i}} \right)}}{{\partial t}} + \rho {u_j}\dfrac{{\partial {u_i}}}{{\partial {x_j}}} = \rho {F_i} - \dfrac{{\partial P}}{{\partial {x_i}}} + \dfrac{\partial }{{\partial {x_j}}}\left( {\mu \dfrac{{\partial {u_i}}}{{\partial {x_j}}} - \rho \overline {u_i^{'}u_j^{'}} } \right) $$ (2) Where:
$ {u_i} $ —— the time-averaged velocity components (m/s) in Cartesian coordinates $ {x_i}\left( {i = 1,\;2,\;3} \right) $;
$ \rho $ —— fluid density (kg/m3);
$ {F_i} $ —— body forces (N);
P —— the time averaged pressure (Pa);
$ \mu $ —— viscous coefficient;
$u_i^{'}$ —— the fluctuating velocity components in Cartesian coordinates (m/s);
$ - \rho \overline {u_i^{'}u_j^{'}} $ —— the Reynolds stress tensor.
The finite volume method is employed to discretize the governing equation with the second-order upwind scheme to improve the computational accuracy. The semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations (SIMPLE) is used for the pressure-velocity coupling. In order to allow closure of the time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, various turbulence models have been introduced to provide an estimation of $ - \rho \overline {u_i^{'}u_j^{'}} $. Here, the realizable $ k - \varepsilon $ model is chosen [28], as used for applications in a wide range of flows due to its robustness and economic merit, and the standard wall function is applied for better analysis of the turbulent viscous flow around the wall.
To capture the water air free surface, an Eulerian method termed the volume of fluid (VOF) method is adopted. The equation for the volume fraction is:
$$ \dfrac{{\partial \alpha }}{{\partial t}} + \dfrac{\partial }{{\partial {x_j}}}({u_j}\alpha ) = 0 $$ (3) Where:
$ \alpha $ —— the volume fraction of water and ($ 1 - \alpha $) represents the volume fraction of air.
The volume fraction of each liquid is used as the weighting factor to obtain mixture properties such as density and viscosity, i.e.
$$ \rho = \alpha {\rho _{\mathrm{w}} } + (1 - \alpha ){\rho _{\mathrm{a}}} $$ (4) $$ \mu = \alpha {\mu _{\mathrm{w}} } + (1 - \alpha ){\mu _{\mathrm{a}}} $$ (5) Where:
$ {\rho _{\mathrm{w}} } $, $ {\rho _{\mathrm{a}}} $ —— the density of water and air (kg/m3);
${\mu _{\mathrm{w}}}$, ${\mu _{\mathrm{a}}}$ —— the viscosity of water and air (m/s).
In the present study, the computational analysis incorporates three geometric models: a sphere, a cylinder, and a cube. Detailed specifications of these models, including dimensions, volume, and surface area, are systematically outlined in Tab.1. The calculation domain is −10 m < x < 10 m, −10 m < y < 10 m, −10 m < z < 5 m. The body-fixed coordinate system is defined with the origin precisely positioned at the center of the geometrical models. The geometry of the structure is shown in Fig. 2. Structures characterized by vertical sides and a flat bottom forms a significant category within marine engineering, attributed to their straightforward construction methodology and diverse utility, encompassing barges, pontoons, and offshore platforms. Here, the cube structure taken as a rigid body is shown as an example, where the region above the green interface signifies the gas phase, the region below it corresponds to the liquid phase, and the green interface itself demarcates the free surface.
Table 1. Computational domain and principal dimensions of models
Cases L×B×D/m×m×m Radius/m Length/m Center of gravity Draft/m Sphere 20×20×15 1 — Centroid 1 Cylinder 20×20×15 1 2 Centroid 1 Cube 20×20×15 — 2 Centroid 1 -
The boundary conditions around the model are as follows: a wall boundary with a no-slip condition is applied to the bottom of the computational domain. The top and the surroundings of the computational domain set symmetry boundary conditions, a no-slip wall boundary condition is applied to the model to numerically simulate the oscillatory motion produced in the PMM tests, a user-defined function is employed to control the motion of the model, and the SIMPLE is used for the pressure-velocity coupling. The finite volume method is employed to discretize the governing equation with the second-order upwind scheme. The VOF method is adopted to capture the nonlinear free surface. For calculation of the cell surface flow, a more accurate method termed Geo-Reconstruct (from ANSYS 14.0) is applied. In the process of calculation, it is very important to determine the time step, as the curves of force and moment will zigzag because of oscillation of information when the time step is too small. On the other hand, errors such as negative volume and numerical divergence will occur if the time step is too large. After repeated testing, an adaptive time step has been determined. The method has high degree of precision and high computation speed and convergence when the time step is approximately equal to one 200th of the period.
To simulate the motion of the model, the fluid domain is split into two regions, a boundary layer region and an outer region. The grid is generated by a hybrid mesh strategy: in the boundary layer region, a prism mesh is used to define the fluid surrounding the model, which permits detailed control of the mesh parameters and the element quality. The first node is positioned close enough to obtain an average periodic y+, which is the distance of the first node from the model in non-dimensional wall units. The unstructured tetrahedral mesh can be conveniently remeshed when element deformation is used in the outer region distant from the model, which is rather coarse, so the number of grids can be reduced, as shown in Fig. 3. In order to capture the wave surface accurately and calculate the force and moment acting on the structure precisely, the meshes in surface zones and zones along the body are refined as shown in Fig. 4. Numerical simulations are performed with the CFD software Ansys Fluent. All calculations are performed on a Dual 3.06 GHz 64 bit Opteron machine with 48.0 GB RAM. Typical time per computational time step is 2 min 3 s for a mesh size of 2.5 million cells.
Lin [29] selected different mesh sizes for independence analysis, which proved that the mesh size used had good convergence. The mesh size used in this paper was consistent with the literature. Therefore, this paper does not analyze grid independence.
The PMM generates two kinds of motion, translation and rotation, imposed on the structure. "Pure heaving", "pure swaying", and "pure rolling" are approximately sinusoidal motions in fluid dynamics. Thus, rotary-based and acceleration-based coefficients can be explicitly determined. The system is designed to obtain the hydrodynamic characteristics of ocean floating structures in either translation or rotation of motion.
The displacement of the model on the k-th mode is given by the following equations:
$$ {x_k} = {x_{k0}}\sin \omega t $$ (6) Where:
$ {x_{k0}} $ —— the amplitude of the motion (m or rad);
$ \omega $ —— the frequency of the motion (rad/s);
$ k = \{1,\;2,\;3,\;4,\;5,\;6\} $ —— surging, swaying, heaving, rolling, pitching, and yawing, respectively.
The normal force acting on the model can be described by the equations:
$$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} {{\ddot x}_k}{\mu _{jk}} + {{\dot x}_k}{\lambda _{jk}} + {F_{jk}} = 0 \\ {{\ddot x}_k}{\mu _{jk}} + {{\dot x}_k}{\lambda _{jk}} + {M_{jk}} = 0 \\ \end{gathered} \right.\; $$ (7) Where:
$ k,j = \{1,\;2,\;3,\;4,\;5,\;6\} $ —— surging, swaying, heaving, rolling, pitching, and yawing, respectively;
$ {\mu _{jk}} $, $ {\lambda _{jk}} $ —— added mass and damping of each mode;
$ {F_{jk}} $, $ {M_{jk}} $—— hydrodynamic force and moment.
In fact, the theoretical normal force acting on the model is the integral of the surface discrete element stress. The model surface pressure $ p $ includes dynamic pressure $ {p_{\mathrm{d}}} $ and static pressure $ {p_{\mathrm{s}}} $. The static pressure of the grid cell is $ {p_{\mathrm{s}}} = \left\{ \begin{gathered} 0\;\;\;\;\;,\;{x_3} \geqslant 0 \\ - \rho g{x_3},\;{x_3} < 0 \\ \end{gathered} \right. $ so the dynamic pressure on the grid cell $ {p_{\mathrm{d}}} = p - {p_{\mathrm{s}}} $. The theoretical dynamic force $ {F_k} $ on the k-th direction acting on the model is the integral of the surface $ {S_0} $ discrete element stress, so $ {F_k} = \displaystyle\int\limits_{{S_0}} {{p_{\mathrm{d}}}{n_k}{\mathrm{d}}s} $, where k is the x, y, and z direction respectively; the rolling moment can be expressed as $ {M_4} = \displaystyle\int\limits_{{S_0}} {{p_{\mathrm{d}}}({r_2}{n_3} - {r_3}{n_2})} {\mathrm{d}}s $ accordingly, where $ {n_2},\;{n_3} $ are the unit weight of the normal direction. $ {r_2},\;{r_3} $ are the y and z component of the distance between the center of the discrete cell element and the model rotation center. For simplicity, the mode of operation applied to a submarine in the vertical plane is discussed here.
During pure heaving motion, the models of vertical displacement, velocity, and acceleration are given by the following equations:
$$ {x_3} = {x_{30}}\sin \omega t $$ (8) $$ {\dot x_3} = {x_{30}}\omega \cos \omega t $$ (9) $$ {\ddot x_3} = {x_{30}}{\omega ^2}\sin \omega t $$ (10) The normal force acting on the model during pure heaving motion can be described by the equations:
$$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} {{\ddot x}_3}{\mu _{33}} + {{\dot x}_3}{\lambda _{33}} + {F_{33}} = 0 \\ {{\ddot x}_3}{\mu _{53}} + {{\dot x}_3}{\lambda _{53}} + {M_{53}} = 0 \\ \end{gathered} \right. $$ (11) Using the least squares method to fit the curve of force and moment acting on the hull during the pure heaving test, so:
$$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} {F_3} = {F_{30}} + {F_{3{\mathrm{A}}}}\sin \omega t + {F_{3{\mathrm{B}}}}\cos \omega t \\ {M_5} = {M_{50}} + {M_{5{\mathrm{A}}}}\sin \omega t + {M_{5{\mathrm{B}}}}\cos \omega t \\ \end{gathered} \right. $$ (12) F30 —— the error between the CFD software fluent calculation of hydrostatic values and the user-defined function program to calculate the hydrostatic values, the error is caused by ps calculation;
M50 —— the error of the moment caused by ps calculation;
F3A, F3B, M5A, M5B —— the amplitudes after the least square method fitting.
Special note is taken that the existence of F30 and M50 does not affect F3A, F3B, M5A, M5B.
$$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} {F_{33}} = {F_3} - {F_{30}} = {F_{3{\mathrm{A}}}}\sin \omega t + {F_{3{\mathrm{B}}}}\cos \omega t \\ {M_{53}} = {M_5} - {M_{50}} = {M_{5{\mathrm{A}}}}\sin \omega t + {M_{5{\mathrm{B}}}}\cos \omega t \\ \end{gathered} \right. $$ (13) When the Eq. (9), Eq. (10), and Eq. (13) are plugged into Eq. (11), in order to make the equation coefficient of both sides equal, the added mass and damping of the heaving motion at the frequency equal to ω are given by the following equation:
$$ {A_{33}} = \dfrac{{{F_{3{\mathrm{A}}}}}}{{{x_{30}}{\omega ^2}}} ; {A_{53}} = \dfrac{{{M_{5{\mathrm{A}}}}}}{{{x_{30}}{\omega ^2}}} ; {B_{33}} = - \dfrac{{{F_{3{\mathrm{B}}}}}}{{{x_{30}}\omega }} ; {B_{53}} = - \dfrac{{{M_{5{\mathrm{B}}}}}}{{{x_{30}}\omega }} $$ (14) Accordingly, when the model is a "pure" heaving motion, we can obtain the added mass and damping of the heaving and the coupling of heaving and pitching; the added mass and damping of 6 DOF (including the coupling added mass and damping of each degree) can be obtained by this method.
目的 精确计算海洋浮体结构物的流体力学系数和研究浮体在海洋自由表面上的流场分布对于增强海洋结构物工程设计应用至关重要。 方法 本研究利用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法,采用雷诺平均纳维-斯托克斯(RANS)方法,考虑了粘度和自由表面相互作用对浮体结构水动力的影响。通过采用动态网格技术,文章模拟了简化三维(3D)形状(球体、圆柱体和立方体)的周期性运动,这些形状用来简化代表复杂的海洋结构。利用流体体积(VOF)方法来精确跟踪自由表面的非线性行为。在该分析中,计算了各种频率的基本运动模式(纵荡、垂荡和横摇)的附加质量和阻尼系数,从而有助于快速确定在浮体结构上的流体作用力和力矩。 结果 这项研究的结果不仅与三维势流理论的结果基本吻合,还进一步反映了粘度的作用。该方法可用于精准计算浮体结构物的水动力系数和描述此类结构在自由表面运动的流场。 结论 所提出的方法超越了传统的势流方法。 Abstract:Introduction Accurate calculation of the hydrodynamic coefficients for floating structures and the investigation of the flow field distribution around floating bodies on the marine free surface are essential for improving the engineering design and application of marine structures. Method This study utilized the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach and the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method and considered the effects of viscosity and free surface interactions on the hydrodynamic behavior of floating structures. By employing the dynamic mesh technique, this study simulated the periodic movements of simplified three-dimensional (3D) shapes: spheres, cylinders, and cubes, which were representative of complex marine structures. The volume of fluid (VOF) method was leveraged to accurately track the nonlinear behavior of the free surface. In this analysis, the added mass and damping coefficients for the fundamental modes of motion (surge, heave, and roll) were calculated across a spectrum of frequencies, facilitating the fast determination of hydrodynamic forces and moments exerted on floating structures. Result The results of this study are not only consistent with the results of the 3D potential flow theory but also further reflect the role of viscosity. This method can be used for precise calculation of the hydrodynamic coefficients of floating structures and for describing the flow field of such structures in motion on a free surface. Conclusion The methodology presented goes beyond the traditional potential flow approach. -
Tab. 1. Computational domain and principal dimensions of models
Cases L×B×D/m×m×m Radius/m Length/m Center of gravity Draft/m Sphere 20×20×15 1 — Centroid 1 Cylinder 20×20×15 1 2 Centroid 1 Cube 20×20×15 — 2 Centroid 1 -
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